stklos-pkg - ScmPkg packages management


stklos-pkg [options]


The stklos-pkg command is the general tool for downloading, installing and uninstalling ScmPkg packages in STklos.

The first time you use stklos-pkg you must synchronize your local repository with the ScmPkg server. This is done using the --setup option. The other options of stklos-pkg are described below.


Here are the options available in the version @VERSION@ of stklos.
--extract package | -e package
extract the files of package (and all its dependencies) and build a Unix Makefile for compiling the package. The files are extracted in the directory specified with option --directory (or the current directory if the option is unused. The generated Makefile offers the following targets:
to build the package dependencies nd the package itself
to run package tests
to install the package (and its dependencies) for the current user
to install the package (and its dependencies) system-wide
--test=package | -t package
extract and test the given package in a temporary directory. If the test succeeds, the stklos-pkg command returns 0.
--install=package| -i package
install the given package and its dependencies in the standard installation directory. If the --system-wide flag is not used, files are installed in the user directory. Otherwise, files are installed in a shared directory available to all users.
--uninstall package
un-install the files which were copied during the installation of the given package. Use the --system-wide option to un-install shared files.
--sync | -s
synchronize the local repository on the ScmPkg server(s). This will download the description of all the packages which are available on the server(s). The packages themselves are downloaded, only when needed.
--add=package| -a package
adds the given package to the repository.
download the tarball associated to given package and copy it in the current directory or the directory specified by the "--directory" option.
downloads all the package which are available on the server(s). This can be used for copying all remote packages, when the net connection is not permanent for instance.
remove all the packages from the cache. This can be used when packages files take too much place. Packages will be downloaded when needed
remove all the files needed by ScmPkg, that is the cache of packages, but also the binary of installed packages, their documentation, and all the meta-data of ScmPkg.
--list |-l
list all the packages which are available from server(s) and from the current repository.
list the packages needed by the given package
list the packages which are locally installed
--conf-dir=dir | -D dir
Use the specified directory as stklos main configuration directory. This is useful if you use stklos(1) with the -D option. Note that you can use the -STKLOS_CONFDIR shell variable for that too.
--directory=dir | -C dir
Use the specified directory for extracting file. If this option is not specified, files are extracted in the current directory.
--verbose | -v
be more verbose. Several usage of this flag increase the verbosity of stklos-pkg.
--system-wide | -S
flag used to indicate that (un-)installation must be system wide.
--version |-V
display the version of stklos-pkg and exit.
--help | -h
Show a list of options


The STklos user ScmPkg repository. <stklos-conf-dir> is by default ~/.stklos but can be set by the STKLOS_CONFDIR shell variable
The STklos system ScmPkg repository here


This variable can be used to designate the directory used by stklos to store its configuration or packages files. It not set, the default stklos configuration directory is by default ~/.stklos.



Markup created by unroff 1.0sc,    March 04, 2023.